Friday, January 2, 2015

Glancing back to 2014

Happy New Year!

I love the first few days of a new year.  So refreshing to get to start over.  It doesn't matter what happened the year before, you have a new chapter in your life book that you get to start writing when the calendar turns to January 1.  I think it is always good to reflect just a moment on the year that you are closing the book on before you start writing the new one.  You will learn something from the year that you leave behind that hopefully helps you move into the next one with a better perspective on how God wants to use you in the upcoming year.

2014 was a year of extreme busyness in both my personal life and business life.  (It's a crazy life but I kinda love it!) I thought it would be fun to recap some of the design highlights of the year.

I feel blessed to work with each and everyone of you.  Getting to work in your homes is an honor for me.  I strive to make each home I work in a place that the homeowners look forward to coming home to each day and a place where wonderful memories will be made.  So thank you to all my friends and clients for making 2014 a wonderful, memorable year!


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